Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Found at Goodwill, but the cover had water damage so I didn't buy it. However I did photograph it for your entertainment:

Highlights: "The Hadrasaur (sic) From Hackensack", "The Sauropod Swing"

Dinosaurs, by David Lambert - has nice illustrations

Prehistoric Worlds

A general historical geology textbook.

Prehistoric Animals - entirely illustrated with photographs of models, gets extra points for invertebrates, Devonian fish and other non-dinosaurs.

Prehistoric Mammals pop-up book featuring a desmostylian

From the Texas Fossils book

Carnosauria, from the Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animals Fact Finder. More like UGLOSAURIA, amirite?

Reading comprehension worksheets, I wish I had these when I was in kindergarten


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 1stly, I miss you so much on DA that I've decided to follow your blog more closely.

    2ndly, I see you got "The Natural History Museum Book of Dinosaurs". I'm looking forward to getting your opinion of it. See my 1st post in this link for my review of it: http://www.jplegacy.org/board/showthread.php?t=21235&page=2

    "Prehistoric Worlds"

    WWD art ripoff BOO!

    "A general historical geology textbook."

    Original GSP art YAY!

    "Prehistoric Animals - entirely illustrated with photographs of models, gets extra points for invertebrates, Devonian fish and other non-dinosaurs."

    Does the same go for the front cover or is it a painting? I can't find a good enough pic of it to see for myself. Many thanks in advance.

    "Carnosauria, from the Dinosaur and Prehistoric Animals Fact Finder. More like UGLOSAURIA, emirate?"

    As a matter of fact, they're Uglaesauria (Stealing a joke from my childhood: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8IKei0TEFw&feature=related )!

