Tuesday, June 28, 2011

June Acquisitions (and dinos)

Secondhand things: FINALLY acquired Long and Hendersons' Dawn of the Dinosaurs for $6, and Feathered Dinosaurs for 7. I didn't want to pay full price because the layout is so screwed up, but still wanted it in my collection.

Enjoy some images from that "Adventures in the Wilderness" book, I forget the year of publishing but will edit it later...

In preparation for boxing up, snapshot of my dino figure collection so far (excluding JP Tapejara, Kaiyodos, and some random small figs and Chinasaurs.)

Your Touhou Arrange: Liz Triangle featuring lily-an, Yasaka Kanako's boss theme from Mountain of Faith (Suwa Foughten Field - The Great Exalted Battlefield)

Kanako is awesome

1 comment:

  1. I recently got "Dawn of the Dinosaurs" too. I'm looking forward to getting your opinion of it. I haven't read it yet, but there's a lot of Henderson art that's new to me.
