I'm a pretty simple person, but after entering the 'real world' it became obvious I was supposed to be doing and buying more. More and nicer clothing, even makeup that I didn't want to wear, so others won't think I'm dirty or weird, for example. Well, that's what I was told all my life, so when I actually had my own money, I started to buy different things than I was used to buying.
What sort of objects make you look normal and grown-up? Well, you have to have a 'place' of your own. When you get it, it needs things, right? So when someone comes over they see that you have things, and by extension, the wherewithal to purchase them; but most of all, the desire to do so.
I feel like a better citizen when I buy matching towels and cloths for my bathroom, and a rug that coordinates with them. Stuff to put in my kitchen so it looks like I do things in there, like people do in kitchens when they have families. Shoes I wouldn't normal think of wearing, because you have to have some impractical shoes to let people know you will occasionally sacrifice comfort. A few items of clothing that are in style, even if you can't afford more than a couple at a time and they're all from discount stores, and you don't even know when you'll need to wear them -- but you don't want to be caught off guard and make an awful impression.
A bunk bed would be really nice; I like the idea of putting things on the top, and having an extra bed if the need appears, but also the feeling of sleeping on the bottom mattress and feeling like an animal in a nice quiet cave. but I have a big person bed that I sleep in alone anyway. Someone would laugh at me if I had a bunk bed.
I feel better about myself when I buy things, because what would people think otherwise? I try really hard, but I don't think I actually know much about dressing myself or being normal, so maybe it looks really 'off' to everyone else, but at least they can see I try to be a normal American with a job, a car, and a place to live? If you don't have these things, or don't want them, you're a failure.
Well, this is what I really want to consume: things that were pre-consumed as many years ago as possible. Fundamentally, I'm terrible about being an American.

Nice dino book I'll show off later. Bag of plastic animals, which I bought b/c it had dinosaurs in it. A giant stuffed theropod. A plate 'famous bristol seaport' or something, with english sailing ships on it. A rather hefty resin tiger sculpture. A Great Wall of China paperweight. Two national park souvenir mugs. A glass with mystery city on it which I'll ask about later. a silver-plated duck bank, which is identical to one I was given when i was a baby, scarf and all. (mine lost an eye, and the scarf.) A collection of weird chalkware coin banks. I love the pig, he's dressed in Chinese style clothing, I think.

All dinos from the bag. Some from Toobs I think, some of unknown provenance, one Schleich raptor. The little silly ones in front are kind of cute, but blue mystery guy is missing a head, and the cute Styrac is missing his front legs T_T

Nice Aussie animals, and two random Pokeymanz.
EDIT: Found the Aussies Missing the croc :( But I think the snake is actually in with the other animals I didn't photograph. Pretty amazing really. And you don't see a cassowary figure every day.

Closer up on the random objects.

C-CLAYS - 螺鈿 (Mother of Pearl)
Prepare yourself for shock and awe:**I really, REALLY want to know why this editor does not work. Sometimes I can't backspace for no apparent reason, things I type randomly show up as hyperlinks, sometimes I can c/p images and sometimes not, and I've tried to resize that text up there about 4 times and it still appears wrong in the finished post.